Happy Holidays from Signet Health
Blake Browder, CEO, and Joy Figarsky, President and COO, share holiday greetings and thank employees for living the Signet mission to advocate for the most vulnerable in society.
Bipartisan “Three-Hour Rule” Bill Introduced to Improve Rehabilitation Therapy for Medicare Patients
On August 26, 2022, Representatives Joe Courtney (D-CT) and Glenn “GT” Thompson (R-PA) introduced a bipartisan bill, co-sponsored by Representative G.K. Butterfield (D-NC), that would preserve expanded access to skilled rehabilitation therapies for Medicare patients, after the conclusion of the public health emergency.
Comparison of Functional Status Improvements Among Patients With Stroke Receiving Postacute Care in Inpatient Rehabilitation vs Skilled Nursing Facilities
In this cohort study of a large national sample, inpatient rehabilitation in IRFs for patients with stroke was associated with substantially improved physical mobility and self-care function compared with rehabilitation in SNFs.
Signet Health Presents: The Increasing Demand for Acute Physical Rehabilitation Services
Considering an Acute Rehabilitation Unit (ARU) or Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility (IRF)? This high demand service line improves patient recovery from surgery, COVID-19 infection, joint replacement, hip fracture, COPD, heart attack, stroke, etc.
AMRPA says: New Research Finds Inpatient Rehabilitation Hospitals Offer Critical Capacity to COVID-19 and non-COVID Patients
AMRPA in partnership with ATI Advisory released research highlighting the critical role inpatient rehabilitation hospitals (IRHs) have played and continue to play during the COVID-19 pandemic in admitting and treating complex patients with medical, rehabilitative, and behavioral health needs.
The Need for Acute Rehab Beds Continues to Grow as Study Shows Inpatient Rehabilitation Hospital Patients Have Better Outcomes and Live Longer
Seventy percent of admissions to an acute rehabilitation unit (ARU) or inpatient rehab facility (IRF) are adults aged 65 and older. Couple that number with the 20% of patients recovering from COVID-19 who may benefit from acute physical rehabilitation inpatient services, and the demand is unmet and growing.
National Rehabilitation Awareness Week
This year we celebrate National Rehabilitation Awareness Week September 20-26, 2021. We celebrate our employees who work in rehabilitation programs across the United States and the successes of those who have received treatment through all forms of rehabilitation.
Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital Celebrates Discharged COVID-19 Patient
Recently, Mr. Tim Dugan was discharged from Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital after recovering from COVID-19. Mr. Dugan was welcomed outside of the hospital by Roger E. Seaver, Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital President and CEO,
Inpatient rehabilitation facilities are getting a payment increase of 2.9% for 2021.
According to HEALTHCARE FINANCE, Because of the COVID-19 public health emergency, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services in its proposed rule has limited the annual rulemaking to payment and essential policies. CMS is proposing updates to the payment rates using the most recent data to reflect an estimated 2.5% increase factor. This is the […]
Medicare Program; Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility Prospective Payment System for Federal Fiscal Year 2012; Changes in Size and Square Footage of Inpatient Rehabilitation Units and Inpatient Psychiatric Units
This proposed rule would implement section 3004 of the Affordable Care Act, which establishes a new quality reporting program that provides for a 2 percent reduction in the annual increase factor beginning in 2014 for failure to report